One of the most impactful actions you'll have regarding your household move happens before you even pack the first box. A quick internet search will bring you hundreds of residential mover options. Read along to discover the benefits of a residential moving company versus a moving broker when making your decision.
Difference in Services
Moving companies handle the actual physical tasks associated with your relocation. They employ people who provide packing services, transportation, and associated storage needs. On the other hand, moving brokers can only connect you with people (moving companies) who can do those things.
Moving Trucks and Equipment
Moving companies own or lease the equipment and buildings used to perform their household relocation services. They know the exact specifications and capabilities because they use them daily. Brokers typically don't own any equipment because they don't provide any physical services.
Licensing Requirements
Moving companies are required to seek authorization from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to transport household goods across stateliness. They're also required to show proof of this authorization. Moving brokers don't have to adhere to as many legal requirements.
Item Damage Protection & Claims
Moving companies are also bound by law to reimburse customers for damages that occurred during a move. Customers can also purchase additional full replacement value protection. Moving brokers do not carry any insurance protection and do not help during any claims portion of the process either.
Local Economy Involvement
Moving companies need physical real estate, local people as employees, and community partners' support to succeed. They pay local business taxes and support the local economy. Moving brokers operate over the phone or the internet and can work from anywhere in the world.
Reputation Transparency
Prior to hiring a service, you'll likely look through reviews. Customers tend to leave reviews for moving companies, which can be verified on Google, Facebook, or the Better Business Bureau with transparency. Broker reviews are harder to find since they don't provide physical services.
Final Thoughts
Make sure you cut out the middleman by hiring a single point-of-contact moving company with experience. Thomas Transfer and Storage is a long-distance mover with nearly eight decades of proven service to Kansas residents. Get a free quote today.
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