Use these tips below for simple savings on your family’s next long-distance move. A few dollars here and a few dollars there…and you just may be surprised how affordable it becomes!
Simple Tips for Moving on a Budget
1. Avoid high season.
There are fairly predictable schedules for most moving companies, with summer, mid-month, and beginning of months often being the busiest. Choose a less-busy time, and your quote may be significantly lower.
2. Compare moving companies.
Even outside of high season, always compare household movers in your area! Never settle for the first quote you get, even if it seems “good enough.”
3. Understand what’s included.
Once you’ve hired movers, make sure you read the fine print and understand exactly what you’re getting. Miscommunications can be costly when moving day arrives!
4. Take the DIY packing route.
If you’re able, skip the professional packing and do it yourself.
5. Find free boxes.
You can save on packing supplies, too, by heading to local stores around town and asking for any spare boxes.
6. Use your own padding.
Instead of buying packing peanuts, use old clothes, spare towels, or bed linens to wrap and protect your items.
7. Pack wisely.
Cut down on boxes, packing supplies, and moving labor by nesting small items in larger ones before packing them up.
8. Check your utilities.
Some utilities companies prorate bills, and some don’t. You can sometimes save big by choosing the right shut-off/start-up date for water, gas, and electricity.
9. Change your address.
You’ll have to file change-of-address paperwork anyway, so do it early! You’ll probably receive some moving-related coupons in the mail.
10. Sell things.
As you go through your belongings, set aside items to sell to offset the cost of moving. You can host a yard sale or sell them online.
11. Donate things.
Some donations are tax-deductible, which may save you money depending on your financial situation and filing status.
12. Keep track of expenses.
Speaking of taxes, many moving expenses can also be tax-deductible! Go ahead and save proof of all moving-related costs to discuss with your accountant later.
13. Trash things.
It sounds weird, but you can actually save money this way because it reduces the number of boxes you’ll be paying to move. (Just don’t throw away anything you actually want, or you’ll defeat the purpose by having to re-buy it!)
14. Prepare meals.
Instead of ordering take-out while your kitchen is in disarray, have some easy-to-heat meals already frozen.
15. Talk to your employer.
If your move is related to work, your employer may provide partial or total compensation. It never hurts to ask!
16. Request help.
Don’t be afraid to lean on friends or family for help with babysitting, pet care, or even packing. Just treat them to dinner and offer to return the favor!
17. Ask about insurance.
Whether you’re hiring professional movers or doing it yourself, be sure to think about moving insurance. A little investment now may save you tons of money if an accident happens.
With these 17 tips in mind, you’ll be on your way to successful household moving on a budget of any size.
To kick off your family’s move right now, contact Thomas Transfer & Storage for a free, no-obligation cost estimate. With 70+ years of experience, we’ll help you save money without compromising on quality. Just call or complete our quick online form today!
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